We are looking forward to answering your questions or prepare an individual offer for your transport.
We are available around the clock by telephone, telefax or e-mail.
PS Food Logistics GmbH
Heiner-Fleischmann-Str. 6
74172 Neckarsulm
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 0 (24/7 Hotline)
Fax: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 299
E-Mail: info.de@psfood.eu
Business hours: Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Konstantin Popov
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 0
E-Mail: info.de@psfood.eu
Evgeniia Popov
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 0
E-Mail: buchhaltung.de@psfood.eu
Eugen Fuchs
National dispatcher
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 113
E-Mail: logistik.de@psfood.eu
Natalia Dowhann
Pallet management & settlement
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 116
E-Mail: leergut.de@psfood.eu
Anna Jasika
QM & Controlling
Tel.: +49 7132 / 91 93 9 – 115
E-Mail: controlling.de@psfood.eu