
PS Food Logistics GmbH is a medium-sized, owner-managed transport company.

Facts & figures:

Average number of transports carried out per year
years of experience
satisfied customers
paletts movements / year
years avg age of our vehicles
Your benefits at a glance
  • Many years of experience

  • Short decision paths

  • Latest technical equipment of the vehicles

  • 24/7 availability – 365 days a year

  • Digital workflow and processes

  • Increased planning security through the use of modern IT solutions and telematics technologies

  • Certified according to the requirements of the QS system at the wholesale level

  • Application and implementation of food safety according to the HACCP concept


Temperature-controlled transport

We are specialized in temperature-controlled full loads in the fruit, vegetables & potatoes / ultra-fresh food, frozen products and dairy products sector.

The transportation of food always requires the right equipment. With our refrigerated trucks, we ensure that your goods arrive at their destination perfectly cooled. With the different temperature ranges from -30 ° C to + 30 ° C, we guarantee an uninterrupted cold chain from the loading point to the unloading point.

Hygiene and the safety of your goods is a matter of course for us. We have implemented the HACCP concept of the food industry for all cooled transports. The certification body TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH certifies that our company is certified according to the requirements of the QS system for fruit, vegetables and potatoes at the wholesale level.

Our qualified staff has the necessary know-how and many years of experience in the transport of cooled goods. Regular training courses on food safety and environmentally conscious driving are our contribution to maintaining consistently high quality and are therefore the key to success.


Due to the distribution for the food retail trade, we also take on the transport of non-food products for our customers.

Groupage fright

Groupage fright: We have also several years of experience in transports with sensitive delivery times.

Special trips

Special trips: Nationwide special trips with refrigerated vehicles from one to 22,500 kilograms.

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